Lapat is a community’s culture and practice in the management of natural resources as support to environmental protection. It is a way of protecting and sustaining the ecosystem by regulating the use or harvest of its natural services. Balance ecosystem enables the community to enjoy the different kinds of ecosystem services such providing food, livelihood and relaxation sites among others. In addition, it also regulates the risks that may befall the community by serving as a natural buffer against natural hazards. Thus, the practice of lapat contributes to mitigating the adverse effect of climate change and natural hazards.

Resource Management in Abra

Barangay Binasaran, Malibcong, Abra

On the research conducted by CorDisRDS in the community on 2013, there are management laws of lapat to preserve the ecosystem. One, anyone who enters the declared lapat area must ask permission from the in charge. Two, only communities covered by the lapat are entitled to use or harvest the resources. Three, lumber is only for the construction of houses in the community and not for commercial purposes. Lastly, communities within the lapat can practice kaingin but are subjected to the rules governing the area. Anyone who are found guilty of violating the laws are subject to a corresponding penalty/ies.

The lapat system is a good practice that must be sustained, shared and replicated. This culture and practice must be passed on to the next generation and should be shared and replicated to other communities in order that mother nature will sustain its capacity to provide the services now and the coming generation.