Forty-Seven students from Grade 11 and Grade 12 of Holy Rosary High School participated in the School-Based Disaster Risk Reduction training facilitated by the Cordillera Disaster Response and Development Services. This was successfully conducted on December 1-2, 2022 in Kayan East, Tadian, Mountain Province in partnership with the school.

DRR in School

CorDisRDS Staff discussing the human induced hazards affecting the Cordillera Region to the students of Holy Rosary High School


One of the participants appreciated the school risk assessment saying “I’ve realized that risks are everywhere, so we should be aware of it and do something to address these”. One output of the activity is the identification of risks within the school premises and risks affecting them from home to school. From the identified risks, the students enumerated possible solutions and practical actions they can do to help. Because of their direct involvement, participants were able to gain an insight on the process of planning “they are helpful and gave us ideas that we can apply in planning” one of the students said.


A student sharing the result of the hazard mapping accomplished by the group

Furthermore, the event served as a venue for awareness raising on the importance of preparedness and their rights as children and youth. According to the common feedback “The activity is beneficial to us youth because the topic not only reminds and informs us about preparations and importance of awareness raising but also gave us knowledge about our rights that is essential to know”.

A student sharing possible solutions from the identified risks in their school and how the youth can contribute to the identified solutions

These outputs are realized through discussion and group activity. The topics discussed are the Cordillera Region disaster situation focused on the effects to children, basic concepts of DRR, Children’s Rights, risk assessment, stages of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM), Early Warning System and Evacuation.

CorDisRDS staff and the students discussing what are the effects of the pandemic on education

From the participants feedbacks and realizations such as keeping themselves safe and acquiring knowledge on preparedness – “good that we already know what to do before, during and after a calamity”; another student mentioned that “What you shared to us will for-ever be our guide”, the activity was a success. The credit not only goes to the participants and facilitators but also to the School Administration who requested this activity for their students.

The school principal giving her comments about the outputs of the students during the school based disaster risk reduction training