Seventeen (17) CorDisRDS staff and community organizers has undergone project designing training facilitated by a consultant of the Integrated Pastoral Development Institute (IPDI). The training was held on March 1-3, 2023 with an objective to capacitate the participants with necessary knowledge and skills in coming up with a new project design through a participatory and results-oriented method.

Proposal Training

Mr. Mark Foronda – the trainer explaining the Results Based Management as a framework

The three days’ intensive workshop enabled the participants to come up with three (3) draft proposal that still needs further improvement. This was made possible through the application of the knowledge and skills imparted to the trainees by the facilitator. The learners have undergone series of workshops on every step of the project designing with the guidance of the facilitator that enabled the realization of the training outputs.



CorDisRDS staff presents the result of their objective analysis workshop

The activity was a success based from the post training feedbacking. Most of the participants said that they can now write a proposal with the help of the team and also understood the importance of collective work in project designing. Furthermore, the training will be of big help in consideration to the line of work of the participating organization. On the other hand, there were challenges mentioned which is part of the learning process. According to some participants, the formulation of the objectives is a struggle that needs enhancement and during the designing process, some were confused on the problem analysis part.

The facilitator comments on the problem analysis of the group for improvement